Best Women’s Multivitamin
Many women our age want to know what the best women’s multivitamin is. I have studied, looked at, bought, and taken many! Because I have some experience in the journey, let me share what I’ve found. I want to say right up front that we are all different. We will all respond in different ways to different stimuli.
One thing is sure, supplements are needed to fill in the gaps that are left as we age. Our bodies become less efficient at absorbing and processing vitamins and minerals. Taking supplements can greatly increase our well-being in all areas of our lives!
The information in our world today can be so conflicting. The anti-aging genre is filled with opportunists trying to take advantage of us (50+) as we strive to deal with all the changes in our lives. But we can find the truth if we seek! It really isn’t hard. Whole foods are still best and supplements help. Let me share what I’ve found in my search.
I’ll start out by saying that nearly ALL the experts agree on this. If you were to take any supplement at all, it should be Omega 3’s. As you probably know, there has been so much buzz around fish oil for a number of years now. Plenty of companies have jumped on the fish oil band wagon. You can find fish oil as readily as tabloids at the checkout counters. They are not all created equally however. You must pay attention to product labels, reviews, and company manufacturing procedures.
I’ve looked at fish oil from both sides now, from up and down, but still somehow …. ah memories! Seriously though, the word is out and KRILL OIL is tops! Take a look at the following article, which explains the differences between fish and krill oil.
The most important fact I can share with you is, “I CAN TELL WHEN I FORGOT TO TAKE MY KRILL OIL!” My joints notice! My energy and mood are affected and I quickly figure out why. I can’t see all the good krill oil is doing for my heart, but I certainly feel the difference and the evidence is in… and I’m a customer for life!
Best Women’s Multivitamin
So what has this got to do with the Best Women’s Multivitamin? Well, I thought it very important to let you know that the top supplement for us to take is Krill Oil. That’s a fact. And the good news is, the same company who I’m recommending for krill oil, puts out one of the best women’s multivitamin also! It’s called VGF 25+ For Women . It is jammed pack with vitamins and minerals. Just check out the %’s column and you’ll see you’re getting most everything you need on a daily basis.
I really can’t say enough about JayLab Pro (Nutrition Backed by Science). They have frequent specials on all their products, and you can read for yourself about the excellence taken in all their processing and manufacturing procedures. They have excellent customer service and one of the best money-back guarantees in the marketplace. I speak from experience, and I hope you will be able to feel the difference their products make also. I found something good, and that’s why I’m sharing.
Thrive! OK? 
Hi Robin, I found your website very easy to view and maneuver through, site has nice clean, crisp and great colors within your pictures and text. I like the info on omega 3 fish which I myself use everyday, may also become a krill oil user as well, I like the results of the fish oil. Upon viewing your site the notes I put on paper, and of course so I could remember points of interest to refer back to, words started to form to find a direction of thought, firstly the exercises that will be so beneficial, the laughter… Read more »
Hi Douglas! I’m glad you stopped by… and you left such encouraging words! Thanks so much. I’m a big fan of the krill oil as you can see. Let me know if you come back with something even better to offer my readers, but I have used this particular brand for 7+ years and have never needed to look elsewhere. Come back often! It’s always nice to have the male perspective! Thanks for the exhortation to keep laughing – I needed it!
Hello Robin. It is great to hear feedback about products which work. We can try and if it fits to us we can share our experience in the comments too. I heard that fish oil is vital important because we do not get enough vitamin D and other amino acids from the food. Dr. Oz told that standing in the sun on the afternoon our bodies get enough vitamin D after half hour. Unfortunately not everybody has time. The sun dies not shine every day too. I never heard about these particular vitamins. However I would tell my friend because… Read more »
My pleasure! Yes, It can be difficult getting all the vitamin D we need each day, especially after 50. You can’t store it up, and must get your dosage day by day. I wrote about Vitamin D here in case you missed it. Supplements are important at our age, especially Omega 3’s , and I recommend Krill Oil. Thanks so much Nemira!
I know I should take a vitamin supplement, but I have a great deal of difficulty swallowing pills. Those big capsules just won’t go down no matter how hard I try! I do take a chewable calcium supplement and I used to take Coromega fish oil, but I can’t find it any more. Can you recommend a good chewable multivitamin?
Hi Carol,
My partner has used Alive’s 50+ for years, and this is the chewable kind. Good luck! The krill oil I recommended is in tiny, smooth capsule form. Not sure if ‘size matters’! hahahaha. Take Care Carol.
Nature’s Way 15899 Alive Women’s 50+ Gummy Multi-Vitamins Chewables, 75 Counttp://” target=”_blank”>Nature’s Way 15899 Alive Women’s 50+ Gummy Multi-Vitamins Chewables, 75 Count