Hi Ladies! Brain exercises for seniors catches our attention doesn’t it? I’ve shared a couple of stories about my mom and my friend’s mom. They both have passed, and they both had forms of dementia. It certainly gets your attention and you definitely take a deeper look at aging.
I’ll be honest with you. I really struggle with exercise. I know how important it is and yet… (I’m starting Monday). Now brain exercises for seniors? I’m not sure if you have visited Senior.com (great site), but I really like it and have posted some of their articles on my FB page. Here is something I think you will happy knowing.
“In a recent study, Shannon Hallaway, Ph.D., a researcher at Rush University School of Nursing, found that higher levels of physical activity done as a part of normal life is associated with more gray matter in the brain. This randomized control group of 262 participants with a mean age of 81 participated in
activities and common daily undertakings such as gardening, walking pets and doing general housework. As volume of gray matter in the brain decreases with aging, anything that provides an increase in a valuable tool – particularly when dealing with Alzheimer’s and other diseases that cause large decreases in brain mass.
While we can’t be sure that it will hold true for those who are younger, it still holds promise that the specific physical activity is less important for cognitive health than the fact that physical activities are done. So, let’s all get moving!” How many of you thought you sitting around doing crosswords was the answer? They’re good too, but we know in our hearts that moving is key.
I have placed the following video on my site once before, and I’ll probably do it again. It is only 6:40 long and probably the most beneficial 6 minutes and 40 seconds of video I’ve watched. The doctor is not an actor so be patient. Nothing is trying to be sold. Just great info that may change your life.
This is SOOO doable right? Choose a physical activity you enjoy and do it with all your might until you MUST stop. Start increasing your BDNF and…
Thrive! OK?
Category: Body
The Best Brain Health Supplements – 6 Legitimate Choices
There are few things as unnerving as experiencing the serious memory lapses that come with age. While young people may be forgetful, needing to retrace their steps to jog their memory isn’t necessary. It’s a totally different story for those advancing in age. The best brain health supplements becomes a topic we search for. We begin to experience the possibility or threat of losing our memory forever. It’s only natural to yearn for a supplement that will help to prevent mental decline. Continue reading…
What Is Fibromyalgia and What Causes It?
If you are asking the question, “What is fibromyalgia and what causes it,” than chances are your concern is close to home. Fibromyalgia is defined as a chronic disorder which negatively affects the mind and body. It can devastate an active lifestyle and is characterized by overwhelming fatigue, muscle and joint pain, and much more.
The exact medical translation of the term fibromyalgia is “pain in the muscles, ligaments and tendons.” However, if you suffer from fibromyalgia, you will know that this definition falls far short of explaining the range of effects the condition causes you.
Difficult to Diagnose
Searching for a diagnosis and relief from the symptoms of fibromyalgia can be frustrating. You may experience a long journey of medical tests to rule out other conditions such as lupus, thyroid and arthritis.
The pain and other symptoms of fibromyalgia may vary at times. Continue reading…
Women Aging Gracefully – 6 Examples of the Upside of Aging
Women Aging Gracefully – The Upside of Aging
Getting older as a woman can be a real downer (everything seems to be going down…). Women aging gracefully is a popular Google search and for good reason. We want to know how to do it as everything seems to be falling….. Almost every single day, you can come across an article or blog post addressing all the things that can go wrong as you age. I’ve written about some on this site! But I have purposed to balance them with providing upsides too! Yes, there are a few! I’m not going to try and pass growing older off as a magical experience, but some real good times are there for you to experience if you’ll take the time to look. Here are a few: Continue reading…
Exercises for People with Arthritis – 5 Tips to Improve Mobility
Exercises for People with Arthritis
Exercises for people with arthritis can help to ease pain and increase mobility. For many people, especially those of us getting on in years, arthritis is a debilitating illness. Arthritis causes increased inflammation around the joints that can lead to immobility and pain.
While there are conventional medical treatments that are available for people with arthritis, many wonder what can be done naturally to help improve the pain and mobility. In fact, there are many natural methods to help manage pain and improve mobility.
This article will show you five different alternative therapies and treatments that can help you manage your daily arthritis symptoms and mobility issues. Continue reading…
Stop Snoring Women!
STOP Snoring Women!
This is not just a man’s problem (as you already know)! Stop snoring women caught your eye because YOU snore and want to stop, or someone right next to you snores and you want to stop them! And no matter who, your sleep is affected and it’s time to do something about it. Right?!? OK!
I remember going on a few women’s retreats and there were always stories flying the very first morning… “You can’t believe how loud So-and-So snores!” “I didn’t sleep a wink because Whoosie snored all night!” Continue reading…
The Early Symptoms of Fibromyalgia
Although men and children can suffer and show the early symptoms of fibromyalgia, the disorder is most common among women. Eighty to ninety percent of those affected are women, and most are diagnosed sometime during middle age. You are more likely to develop fibromyalgia if you have a close relative with the disorder.
The Early Symptoms of Fibromyalgia?
One of the reasons that fibromyalgia is so difficult to diagnose is that it mimics so many symptoms of other diseases and disorders. It can parallel them to such an extent that it’s difficult to acquire a diagnosis without undertaking medical tests to rule out other conditions. Continue reading…
Natural Relief For Hot Flashes –
Hot flashes are experienced by 3/4 of all women undergoing menopause, making it the number one symptom of menopause. This makes natural relief for hot flashes an extremely hot topic (pun intended). Hot flashes involve a temporary sensation of heat coming off the body, sometimes associated with sweating or flushing of the skin. They can last from 30 seconds to 10 minutes and can be extremely annoying and debilitating.
At one time, hormone replacement therapy was the go-to treatment for women experiencing severe menopausal symptoms. Further studies through the years showed that the risks outweighed the benefits. Because of this, many women turned to natural remedies for menopausal symptoms.
8 Ways to Find Natural Relief for Hot Flashes

You Need to Take Off Layers!
1. Simple changes in behavior. This includes learning how to dress in layers so that you can take off layers of clothing when the hot flashes become intense. It also includes having ice water handy so you can sip on it when the hot flashes start. You can also wear light pajamas that are loose-fitting and use bed linens made with cotton that breathe better and can reduce the incidence of night sweats.
2. Herbal relief. While studies of their effectiveness are mixed, many women use herbal remedies to control symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes. Here are a few of the most popular: Continue reading…
Depression and Fatigue – Fatigue and Depression
Depression and Fatigue
Depression and fatigue are companions. It is hard to hear, but depression is a mental illness. It sounds so severe. But we need to call it what it is. Just like a cold is a physical illness, depression is a mental illness. And just as a cold is a common physical illness, depression іѕ a соmmоn mental illness.
Fatigue is one оf іtѕ mаjоr symptoms. Pеорlе mау hаvе fatigue related tо depression thаt mаkеѕ іt dіffісult tо раrtісіраtе іn dаіlу асtіvіtіеѕ. Evеn those who hаvе bееn treated fоr depression mау hаvе оngоіng fаtіguе. Selective ѕеrоtоnіn rеuрtаkе іnhіbіtоrѕ (wow right? let’s say drugs) соmmоnlу uѕеd tо trеаt depression tend nоt tо mаkе you mоrе fаtіguеd, but іt dоеѕn’t аlwауѕ lift fatigue associated wіth this соndіtіоn. Continue reading…
10 Keys to Healthy Aging
10 Keys to Healthy Aging
We are faced with decisions throughout our lives, and sometimes we don’t see the fruit of those decisions until later on in life. Unless we were taught or came upon healthy aging tips in our younger days, we often end up in ‘eraser’ mode. Erase those lines! … and those spots! Erase those inches and saggy skin! You get it… and if you’re noticing these things, fret not! You’re not alone… and it’s never too late to make some positive changes. Again, these keys are being presented, but it’s your decision. Choose life!