Natural Relief For Hot Flashes –

Hot flashes are experienced by 3/4 of all women undergoing menopause, making it the number one symptom of menopause. This makes natural relief for hot flashes an extremely hot topic (pun intended). Hot flashes involve a temporary sensation of heat coming off the body, sometimes associated with sweating or flushing of the skin. They can last from 30 seconds to 10 minutes and can be extremely annoying and debilitating.

At one time, hormone replacement therapy was the go-to treatment for women experiencing severe menopausal symptoms. Further studies through the years showed that the risks outweighed the benefits. Because of this, many women turned to natural remedies for menopausal symptoms.

8 Ways to Find Natural Relief for Hot Flashes


You Need to Take Off Layers!

1. Simple changes in behavior. This includes learning how to dress in layers so that you can take off layers of clothing when the hot flashes become intense. It also includes having ice water handy so you can sip on it when the hot flashes start. You can also wear light pajamas that are loose-fitting and use bed linens made with cotton that breathe better and can reduce the incidence of night sweats.

2. Herbal relief. While studies of their effectiveness are mixed, many women       use herbal remedies to control symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes. Here are a few of the most popular:

    • blackcohosh-natural-remedies-for-menopauseBlack cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa). Studies have shown that it is natural relief for hot flashes, profuse perspiration, headaches, dizziness, heart palpitations, ringing in the ears, nervousness, depression, and sleep disturbance. Women with liver disease or those taking high blood pressure medication should use caution when using this herb.
    • chasteberry-natural-remedies-for-menopauseChaste Berry (Vitex agnus-castus). Relief can be found for mood swings, irritability, breast tenderness, bloating and menstrual cramps. It should not be ingested by those taking                               the pill or other hormonal contraceptives.
    • redclover-natural-remedies-for-menopauseRed clover (Trifolium pratense).  This relief-giving herb has been clinically proven to reduce night sweats by 75% and can also relieve insomnia. It can also provide a protective effect on                         the heart and bones.
    • sage-natural-remedies-for-menopauseSage (Salvia officinalis). Sage acts as a regulator for the hypothalamus (our body’s thermostat and other roles), which means it rocks as relief for hot flashes and night sweats. It also                         acts as a memory aid and can bring relief to the muddled mind                         which often comes along with menopause.
  • valerian-natural-remedies-menopauseValerian (Valeriana officinalis). This brings relief to those suffering from sleep disturbances caused by anxiety, with no morning after-effects.
  • St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum). This is well-known for relief from mild depression which many menopausal women experience because of all the changes taking place.
  • Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea). Tired all the time? Stressed? Sleeping badly? Poor concentration and memory? Rhodiola may provide the relief you are looking for.

3. Acupuncture. Acupuncture can decrease the incidence and intensity of hot   flashes without side effects that you can have if you are taking medication.       A study out of the British Medical Journal in 2011 showed that women who     chose acupuncture for menopausal symptoms, had fewer hot flashes and         other menopausal-related symptoms.

4. Eating a well-balanced diet. This means eating more fruits, vegetables,           seeds, nuts and healthy fats. Much as menopause might drive us to drink,         consuming it can be a trigger for hot flashes. The decision is yours. Also,           avoid foods high in sugar and unsaturated fats.woman-holding-sun-manage-heat-hot-flashes

5. Meditation. Mindfulness   meditation involves a deep focus of experiences on a moment-to-moment basis. A study by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health found mindfulness training reduced the intensity of hot flashes and also other menopause symptoms such as anxiety, stress, and insomnia. It also increased the overall quality of life of those in the study.

6. Quit smoking. Smoking can trigger   hot flashes; so, make every attempt to quit. Smoking can be a trigger for hot flashes; and it is detrimental to your health in more ways than one. Try vaping, only as a bridge to quitting.

7. Get regular exercise. Aerobic exercise has been found to decrease the intensity and frequency of hot flashes. Take part in any physical activity that increases the heart rate and respiratory rate. Aerobic exercises include brisk walking, jogging, cycling, running, swimming, tennis and, to some degree, golf. Try engaging in anaerobic exercise, which involves lifting weights or doing resistance exercises using your own body weight.

8. LAUGH!!! Please laugh as often as possible. Read my article on laughter >>>here<<<! Also, Did you know laughter was EXERCISE?

The advantages of natural relief for hot flashes include: 1) little or no side effects 2) completely safe in the right doses, and 3) there is an undeniable sense that you are in sync with nature. By utilizing all the healing herbs available for your health and well-being, you are doing the very best you can for your mind, body and soul. Take care, and….

Thrive! OK?    robin-signature. png

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7 years ago

Hi Robin,
Hmmm, sometimes being a woman 50+ is not easy, eh?

Thanks for sharing such a good tips to help women to get hot flashes under control.

I never thought some herbal remedies could help on this, but it sounds interesting, and I like to use some herbal teas, I would love to know if you know which one would be the best to have as a tea?

Mindfulness and laugh sounds good to me, and think the best is exercise, I’m trying to do more exercise, longer walks.

7 years ago

Hello here. Thanks for great advice regarding hot flashes. I think that it not fun when suddenly from nowhere the sweat comes and all clothes must be taken off. I read that Japanese do not have hot flashes. If they have it is nothing compared with Westerners. We do not get enough minerals and vitamins from food as women from East. Thanks to article as yours, women who experience hot flashes can shoose aid from the list. My hairdresser rid of hot flashes when she constantly used sage. She feels great and she never took drugs. Thank you for the… Read more »

Ariel Baradarian
Ariel Baradarian
7 years ago

Hi there! I just read through your article and it’s super awesome. The natural remedies you included are very very useful (especially laughing). As a student-homeopath, I’m very familiar with many of the remedies mentioned such as herbal medicine and acupuncture (which was great for me as a young boy). I can definitely vouch that everything here is effective and works. Thank you!

7 years ago

Fantastic article. I wish I had seen this years ago. I experienced early menopause because of a hysterectomy when I was 42. I was given hormone patches, which made me break out in a terrible rash. Eventually I turned to some of the herbal remedies you mentioned, including St. John’s wort and black cohosh. Thank goodness I never smoked, as I’m sure that would have made things worse. I believe more people could benefit from the remedies you’ve suggested.

June Danks
June Danks
7 years ago

A well informed post, thank you and I have to say that it has really helped me to understand all the changes that I am going through. My GP has advised me to look into Mindfulness, Yoga and meditation but I had not thought about taking up regular exercise such as swimming, helpful for my joint pain too. No one tells you just how debilitating the symptoms of the Menopause can be and having your guide will certainly help to ease them. I like the sound of Red Clover for my night sweats, are there any contraindications whilst taking blood… Read more »

Derek Marshall
Derek Marshall
7 years ago

Hi Robin,

Great article and highly informative article. I had smile when I seen the last one good old risotherapy – laughter therapy is fantastic for all sorts of conditions and not only for raising dopamine and lifting depressions.

I would love to know your thoughts on adaptogenic herbs that are known to rebalance hormones for hot flushes, I’m talking ashwagandha and Maca as prime examples – can they do the trick?

They will certainly come in handy for my good lady when the time comes!

7 years ago

Thanks for the great info about hot flashes! My mom is going through menopause and I’m going to share it with her. I hadn’t heard about all the different herbal remedies, and I like your suggestions about dressing in layers as a way to prepare for them. My mom is also a heavy smoker who’s also been trying to quit for a long time; she definitely needs to know that smoking is a trigger!

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