Tagged: fibromyalgia

What Is Fibromyalgia and What Causes It?

If you are asking the question, “What is fibromyalgia and what causes it,” than chances are your concern is close to home. Fibromyalgia is defined as a chronic disorder which negatively affects the mind and body. It can devastate an active lifestyle and is characterized by overwhelming fatigue, muscle and joint pain, and much more.what-is-fibromyalgia

The exact medical translation of the term fibromyalgia is “pain in the muscles, ligaments and tendons.” However, if you suffer from fibromyalgia, you will know that this definition falls far short of explaining the range of effects the condition causes you.

Difficult to Diagnose

Searching for a diagnosis and relief from the symptoms of fibromyalgia can be frustrating. You may experience a long journey of medical tests to rule out other conditions such as lupus, thyroid and arthritis.

The pain and other symptoms of fibromyalgia may vary at times. Continue reading…

The Early Symptoms of Fibromyalgia


Although men and children can suffer and show the early symptoms of fibromyalgia, the disorder is most common among women. Eighty to ninety percent of those affected are women, and most are diagnosed sometime during middle age. You are more likely to develop fibromyalgia if you have a close relative with the disorder.

The Early Symptoms of Fibromyalgia?

One of the reasons that fibromyalgia is so difficult to diagnose is that it mimics so many symptoms of other diseases and disorders. It can parallel them to such an extent that it’s difficult to acquire a diagnosis without undertaking medical tests to rule out other conditions. Continue reading…