Hi Ladies! Brain exercises for seniors catches our attention doesn’t it? I’ve shared a couple of stories about my mom and my friend’s mom. They both have passed, and they both had forms of dementia. It certainly gets your attention and you definitely take a deeper look at aging.
I’ll be honest with you. I really struggle with exercise. I know how important it is and yet… (I’m starting Monday). Now brain exercises for seniors? I’m not sure if you have visited Senior.com (great site), but I really like it and have posted some of their articles on my FB page. Here is something I think you will happy knowing.
“In a recent study, Shannon Hallaway, Ph.D., a researcher at Rush University School of Nursing, found that higher levels of physical activity done as a part of normal life is associated with more gray matter in the brain. This randomized control group of 262 participants with a mean age of 81 participated in
activities and common daily undertakings such as gardening, walking pets and doing general housework. As volume of gray matter in the brain decreases with aging, anything that provides an increase in a valuable tool – particularly when dealing with Alzheimer’s and other diseases that cause large decreases in brain mass.
While we can’t be sure that it will hold true for those who are younger, it still holds promise that the specific physical activity is less important for cognitive health than the fact that physical activities are done. So, let’s all get moving!” How many of you thought you sitting around doing crosswords was the answer? They’re good too, but we know in our hearts that moving is key.
I have placed the following video on my site once before, and I’ll probably do it again. It is only 6:40 long and probably the most beneficial 6 minutes and 40 seconds of video I’ve watched. The doctor is not an actor so be patient. Nothing is trying to be sold. Just great info that may change your life.
This is SOOO doable right? Choose a physical activity you enjoy and do it with all your might until you MUST stop. Start increasing your BDNF and…
Thrive! OK?
Brain Exercises for Seniors – Time to Rethink
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February 18, 2020