
What Is Happening to My Hair?

My hair is dry and brittle…. All I want to do is bring a picture to my hairdresser and tell her to ………

MAKE ME LOOK LIKE THIS⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒

I don’t know about you ladies, but I am rarely happy with my hair. Now it is dry, dry, dry and because it is naturally curly – FRIZZ BOMB! I always walk a little more confidently when I believe my haircut looks good. Is this just me, or do you feel the same way? Can you comment below? I’d love to hear about your HAIR NIGHTMARE or all about your HAIR CARE. Other women would too!

How About Some Natural Products for Taking Special Care?

I was researching products (natural) and came across Madison Reed. I have tried two of their products, the color reviving gloss and hair color. I was very happy with the results, but will probably lighten the color a bit on the next order.

A Couple of Things That Affect Your Hair As You Age

I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that your hair changes as you age. Usually, after your 40th birthday it starts behaving badly. The color changes…pigment cells in the follicles die, reducing melanin and leaving behind transparent colors like gray, silver and white.

The density changes. Many women experience thinning and some have significant hair loss. This has more to do with genes than anything. The decrease in estrogen production contributes to density loss also.

Shine and texture surely change and personally, that is the area I am looking at right now. Like I said, I tried Madison Reed and I’m going to sick with this ‘free of ammonia, resorcinol, parabens, phthalates, gluten & PPD-crafted in Italy-delivered to your door’ company. They have great, natural products, a very well-designed website, and a flawless delivery system. Take a look! Find your perfect color now!

Thrive! OK?….. Robin

P.S. Argan Oil is considered the best, natural conditioner for your hair, face, skin, and nails. Read about                    this product and see if it will help you in any way. It has great reviews and a good price!

Pictures of Short Haircuts for Women Over 50

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Lauren Kinghorn
Lauren Kinghorn
8 years ago

Hi Robin, totally agree with you! A bad hair day is a day I feel ugly. As a Mom to a toddler, I seldom get to wash my hair in the mornings, and so that lovely freshly washed and blow dried look is mostly a thing of the past. Also, I’m 43, and starting to see exactly the changes you mention in your article. My Mom’s over 70 and experiencing extremely dry hair and quite a bit of hair loss. She’s also trying out a new product, I’ll let you know how it goes.

8 years ago

Thanks for stopping by Lauren. I have three children so I sure can relate to the mother-of-toddlers scene! Let me know how your mom makes out with the new product. Hopefully she likes it and can share it here!Blessings, Robin

Lauren Kinghorn
Lauren Kinghorn
8 years ago
Reply to  Robin

Hi Robin, my Mom says she is enjoying her new hair products. It’s too early to tell whether the products are helping with hair loss, but she has found her hair has more body, is more manageable, and is straighter than usual (less greasy than with other rich products). She bought Nature Vital Hair Loss Shampoo and Conditioner.

8 years ago

Hi Robin,
Seeing as how I just turned the big Four Oh I’m very interested in hair care and maintenance. And, yeah, I’m already experiencing a decrease in pigmentation…I have a silver streak of hair by my left ear. And, it seems that I lose more hair when I shampoo. Looking forward to your review of the Madison Reed product. I’m willing to pay a little more than I did 15 years ago for a good product.

8 years ago
Reply to  Alyssa

I know what you mean about spending for quality. I’m really working at taking care of the dryness. I’ve never had a problem until recently, and I’m hoping the natural products will help out. I’m not looking forward to putting my face on the page, 🙂 but Shannon at Madison Reed was pretty confident I would be happy with the results. Thanks for commenting Alyssa. Take Care!

8 years ago

Hi Robin, as a 49 year old, I’m so glad I found your blog! I definitely noticed my auburn hair getting darker over the last 10 years, and now I’m finding some (yikes!) grey hairs! For my frizzy hair, I rely on anti frizz products with silicones; they work wonders for smoothing and shine. I also try to not wash my hair overly often, and I’m careful with heat styling.

8 years ago
Reply to  Laurie

Hi Laurie! These years in a woman’s life certainly opens up a whole new world of challenges! Thanks for sharing some of things you do to give your hair a little TLC. I am dealing with dryness mostly, and it’s funny that you mentioned heat styling. I just read how drying your hair with high heat damages it at this stage of the game. I think I’ve found at least part of my problem! Thanks for stopping by Laurie…

8 years ago

This sounds like a good idea. All for natural products. I’ve also been taking a whole food supplement that actually causes the hair to grow in thicker. I’m glad to hear there is a natural product that improves texture and color. I’d be interested to hear how your Madison Reed test works out !

8 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Me too! I can’t wait t receive the products. It’s crazy what happens to your hair as you age! Actually, a lot of things are crazy 🙂 Anyway, wanting to age as gracefully as possible and desiring to help others do the same! Thanks for stopping by Mike!

Cheryl Kohan
Cheryl Kohan
8 years ago

I just loved this site! It’s professional and easy to read. The “Laughter” page is just perfect…laughter really is the best medicine. The links are well placed and relevant. I hope you’re posting links on all the social media sites. I’m certain you will be very successful. All the best to you!

8 years ago
Reply to  Cheryl Kohan

Thank you so much Cheryl! I’m glad you enjoyed your visit. I really haven’t entered into the social media realm yet. Any pointers? Take Care, Robin

Cheryl K
8 years ago

What a fun site! As an over 50 woman, I’m interested in anything that will help keep me healthy and in decent shape!

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