Tips on a Good Night’s Sleep

Tips on a Good Night’s Sleep

tips on a good night's sleepPlease give me some tips on a good night’s sleep! Sleeping during menopause? No pun intended, but IT’S A DREAM! Getting a good night’s sleep can be refreshing and rejuvenating. I remember that feeling and would like it back. I know I’m not alone. People of all ages across the globe suffer from occasional to chronic insomnia.

6 Natural Ways to Improve Your Sleep

Insomnia is a condition that interrupts your ability to fall asleep or stay asleep. If you are suffering from insomnia, you may be desperate enough to turn to harsh medications. Sleep deprivation can make you do crazy things. So, before you become QVC’s favorite shopper, take a look at these 6 ways to help improve your sleep naturally.


tips on a good night's sleepYou cannot afford another night of losing sleep because you hate your bed. I have a friend who has been complaining for years about how she got rid of her waterbed and hasn’t slept the same since. There really is no excuse to being uncomfortable in your bed. Sleep is WAY too important, especially at our age. We should be spending at least 1/3 of our day in bed. We should be waking up refreshed and rejuvenated and ready to meet the day with spirits high! Let’s make getting to the bottom of sleeplessness a priority. I’m giving you a link to DreamCloud, a SLEEP mattress with the highest reviews. It has a 365-day return policy, and free shipping back! Testing a bed for 5 minutes in a store is not enough to know if it is the right bed. If you know your bed is the reason you wake up too early, too tired, too achy…take a look at the DreamCloud Luxury Hybrid Mattress.

Eliminate Caffeine

tips on a good night's sleepThe morning cup of coffee seems to be a staple beverage for many people. However, caffeine is not just in coffee. Caffeine can be hiding in the cola you drink, the tea, and even some of the foods you eat. While eliminating caffeine out of your diet 100% may not be possible, try to limit your consumption of caffeine to the mornings only. Prevention Magazine tells us that ingesting caffeine, even 6 hours before bedtime, can disrupt sleep.


Not only does exercise help you maintain a healthy body weight and better mental outlook, but a Sleep Foundation study found that those who exercised were less sleepy during the day and slept better at night.

While a new exercise routine may leave you a little tired at first, regular exercise will give you more energy and help you fall asleep at bedtime. This may have to do with the chemicals released by the body when you exercise. The neurotransmitters released by the brain during exercise have all sorts of beneficial properties and improved sleep is one of them.


Meditation has a restorative effect on the brain. There are all sorts of benefits that meditation can have for a person. Many of the benefits of meditation include reduced stress and a better ability to cope with difficult issues in one’s life.

tips on a good night's sleepMeditation is also great for insomnia. A Harvard study found that mindful meditation helped combat insomnia. It invokes a relaxation response in those who participate helping them relax enough to fall asleep quickly and stay asleep through the night. If you are not familiar with how to meditate there are many guided meditation audio programs that you can buy or check out from your library.

Sleep Hygiene

Sleep hygiene is a practice to help you sleep better at night. It has to do with environmental cues. Alaska Sleep notes that these environmental cues should be taken into consideration if you aren’t sleeping.

  • Use the bedroom for sex and sleep only
  • No electronics
  • Keep the room dark and quiet
  • Keep your room cool
  • Have a good mattress
  • Set your alarm clock away from your bed

Get Up at the Same Time Every Morning

tips on a good night's sleepGetting up at the same time every day and avoiding naps helps your body follow a circadian rhythm. According to Verywell we need this to sleep well at night.  There are two really important elements to this step.

  1. Stop hitting the snooze and train yourself to get up at the same time every day. If you hit the snooze button once or twice (or 6 times), you are not really training yourself to get up at the same time every day. If you know you do not need to get up until 7:30, stop setting your alarm for 7. Save yourself the 30 minutes of interrupted sleep and set the alarm for 7:30, get up the first time it rings.
  2. NO NAPS. If you are not used to getting up in the morning, then this may be the hard part for you. Napping can throw you off for sleeping at night because you simply are not tired enough to get to bed on time. Skip the nap (and the caffeine), and stay up so that you can get a good night’s sleep.

BONUS:  REMRISE offers personalized sleep coaching.

Now you have an arsenal of information that should help you fall asleep faster at night. Remember, finding what works well for you may take some playing around. So, if you don’t get it right the first night or two don’t give up.

These sleep strategies are proven to work. They just take time, usually 2-3 weeks. So ladies, give these tips on a good night’s sleep a try, sleep soundly and…

Thrive! OK?

tips on a good night's sleep

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6 years ago

This is really cool. My mother has been having a hard time sleeping lately and she really not into taking medicine to help her do so.
So I have been looking around for ways and methods for her to get some good natural sleep and this was exactly what I was looking for.
I never even thought of some of these tips and I am going to definitely going to share this on my Facebook and with my Mother, Thanks.

6 years ago

I’m not a woman over 50, but a good night’s sleep is something I definitely need. Always rushing around to do things, so, my mind never quite shuts off. I end up going to sleep really late and then have to get up really early. The electronics part is a tough one. I’m always on my laptop…but I get the point

Will have to work on that..

6 years ago

While I’m not a woman over 50, I find your tips perfect for everyone to get a good night’s sleep!

For me, probably the most important factor is turning off all electronic devices and screens a good hour before I go to bed. I find that if I’ve been watching TV or on the computer right up until going to sleep that my head feels ‘wired’ and I can’t doze off.

No caffeine is also mandatory, I personally make sure I consume no caffeine after 4pm.

6 years ago

Hi Robin! Those are some outstanding tips that you offered in your article that would enable a person to be able to sleep soundly each night. Looking at me, and also probably true of many people allowing stress to seep into your life is often a factor as to why people do NOT get a good night’s sleep. Thoughts running amok in one’s head about stressful situations concerning jobs, money, relationships, reactions to poor health of a loved one, etc. lead to the brain not being able to become fully relaxed during the unconscious level that takes place when asleep.… Read more »

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